Protect Your Pet from Ticks and Potential Lyme Exposure

Avoiding tick-infested areas is always the best way to protect your pet from Lyme.  This is not always the easiest thing to do.  In the spring and fall is when we see ticks are most active. 4 Degrees and warmer is the temperature ticks favour most.

We ask that you routinely check your animals for ticks, especially if you live in a higher risk area or have recently visited one. As your veterinarian we have access to a reliable blood test that will detect Lyme and other tick borne diseases.


Dogs can be vaccinated against Lyme disease. Most veterinarians only recommend vaccinating dogs that live or visit tick-infested areas. We can also offer you oral or topical product to help protect your dog from ticks. For more information about tick control product please ask you vet by giving us a call.

Some Common symptoms include: arthritis (sudden lameness), pain, fever, lack of appetite, dehydration, inactivity and swollen lymph nodes and joints.

Lyme disease in cats is rare, but not unheard-of. In most cases Lyme is diagnosed only when an infected-tick is discovered.

Some symptoms include: pain, stiffness in limbs and joints, lameness, fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, sudden collapse, a “zombie-like” trance, and, in cases of heavy infestation, severe anemia

Pets usually respond quickly to antibiotic treatments. Be sure to follow-up with your vet right away if your pet’s condition doesn’t improve.