Blog: Dogs

Golden Retriever sitting on grass

The Coyote Tapeworm

In the last few days, we have been fielding a lot of questions about the coyote tapeworm from concerned dog owners.

Cat smelling an essential oil diffuser

Essential Oils and Your Pets

Essential oils are a natural product produced from plants that are easily evaporated at normal temperatures.

Dog and cat wearing Santa hats

Christmas Hazards

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. We are all busy getting ready for the holiday season that sometimes we forget about our pets and what they may be getting into while we are not watching.

Two dogs and a cat with grass in front

Spring Safety Tips by Magda Hnatyszyn, RVT

With spring just around the corner many of us find ourselves thinking of spring cleaning, home improvements and spending as much time in the outdoors as possible. After being cooped-up indoors during the long, cold winter months the excitement of warm weather and sunshine come some risk factors that we...