Arthritis in your pet in the Winter Months

With the colder weather approaching you may notice your pet moving slower or having a harder time getting up from the lying down position.Cold, damp weather aggravates arthritis in dogs and cats. Arthritis can appear in young pets but is most common in the middle age and geriatric pets. A fracture can also make the bone susceptible to arthritis after the injury has healed. Overweight pets can also suffer from arthritis more than their normal-weight counterparts for they have more pressure on their joints.

If your pet is having trouble getting up or laying down, navigating the stairs, or has started to snap or cry when picked up, a visit to the veterinarian may be in order. There are many arthritis treatments available. We can recommend a natural product or a prescription product if indicated.

You should not medicate your pet with a human prescription or over-the-counter medications without consulting your veterinarian first.


Written by Christine Attridge-Hardy