Blog: Cat

Closeup of a cat

Cat Deworming

Cats, especially those that venture outside, can easily contract a number of intestinal parasites. Parasites such as tapeworms and hookworms can eventually cause health concerns for your pet, as well as yourself.

Cat scratching itself

Cat Flea and Tick Control

What are fleas? Fleas are tiny blood-sucking parasites, they are obtained from the environment of the cat. Once on the cat, they happily go to work feeding and laying eggs, which increases the problem quickly.

Cat covered in a towel and lying down next to a syringe and containers

Cat Fecal Exam

What is fecal parasite screen? This test checks for common parasites, or parasite eggs in the stool sample. There are many intestinal parasites which hang on tight internally and can only be discovered by checking for the eggs in the feces. These can only be seen on a microscope.