Blog: pet health


What is Anaplasmosis?

Like Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis is a bacterial disease spread through the bite of the black-legged deer tick.  The disease is transmitted while the tick is attached and feeding.  It can affect dog, cats and humans.


Arthritis in your pet in the Winter Months

With the colder weather approaching you may notice your pet moving slower or having a harder time getting up from the lying down position.


Dog With a Swollen Toe

There are many reasons why a dog will present with a swollen toe.  In most instances, there is a simple and correctable issue such as infection around the base of the nail, trauma resulting in loosening of the nail (and subsequent infection in the deeper tissues) or penetration with foreign...


Tick Season is Back

With the cooler weather we have recently had, ticks are moving again. Here at Clappison Animal Hospital, we have seen an increase of ticks. We have identified most ticks as Black Legged Ticks which can carry Lyme disease.