Blog: Services


Dog Euthanasia

Euthanasia is never an easy decision to make. Allow us to assist you and your pet during this time. Offering compassion and support when you and your pet need it most, Clappison Animal Hospital provides a comforting atmosphere for your pet's euthanasia. Our end-of-life services afford your beloved pet the...

Dog with a veterinarian

Chemotherapy for Dogs

Chemotherapy is a drug treatment using powerful chemicals to kill cancer cells. Cancer cells typically grow much faster than other cells in the body, so the chemicals often target such cells rather than normal cells.

Veterinarian holding a cat

Overweight Cat Help

If you are concerned about your cat's weight, one of our technicians would be happy to check him or her over and guide you on a good nutritional plan.

Cat upside down

Blood Tests for Cats

Why does my cat need a blood screen? It is important to check organ function, before anesthesia. Annual checks become quite important, as our feline friends reach their senior years. Also, in order to catch problems early and respond appropriately.